My personal experience with the GYROTONIC® Method
GYROTONIC® has made everything else better for me. I am faster, stronger, and more pliable. I have more power and fewer injuries. My posture and my endurance have improved. I bounce back from workouts quicker. I have less back pain. I sleep better. I run differently. Yoga is ten times easier. My golf swing is easier, more powerful, and more accurate. I walk taller. I am more aware of my body and my surroundings. I wish I had discovered GYROTONIC® 25 years ago when I was pursuing a life as a professional athlete. I would have been a better basketball player, my career would have lasted longer, and I would have suffered less.
There are thousands of people for whom GYROTONIC® is their only source of exercise. They are some of the fittest (and most blissed out!) people on earth. They tend to be lean, strong, pliable, and resilient.
Personally, I still train in other ways because I have some specific athletic goals beyond just staying in shape. So I swim, bike, and run. I still enjoy yoga and weight training. But the GYROTONIC® Method is what knits all this training together for me. I am more flexible, more balanced, and stronger because of my “Gyro” Training. It has become my secret weapon. Simply put: GYROTONIC® makes everything else I do better.
Currently, I am training for an Ironman Triathlon. The GYROTONIC® Method helps me recover quickly from my training runs, it has improved my form and power as a swimmer, and it helps stretch out my body after hunching over the handle bars. My days as a high level athlete are long passed, but the Gyrotonic Method allows me to train and pursue my love of movement in ways that feel great on my 45 year old body. There is no way I would consider the huge physical ordeal of an Ironman Triathlon without Gyrotonic as a support and recovery tool.
The GYROTONIC Method will change you
Consistent training in the Gyrotonic Method will lead to postural and functional changes, fostering more balance, strength, range of motion, power, and efficiency in your movements. Furthermore, you’ll be less prone to injury, muscle imbalances, and the mental struggle often associated with fitness and health. Oh.. and you'll feel amazing!
GYROTONIC® Training for Athletes and Performers
GYROTONIC® will not replace your work at the driving range, the batting cage, the tennis court, the weight room, or the swimming pool -- but it will elevate your training and performance in all of those arenas. Training in the GYROTONIC® Method often leads to “Aha!” moments, altering one’s perspective on movements previously taken for granted. This can be incredibly beneficial for people seeking to optimize athletic their athletic potential.
GYROTONIC®is also an excellent way to build and rehabilitate your body in a “zero gravity” setting. The safe and supportive environment that the GYROTONIC Expansion Unit provides allows you to work deeper, allowing muscles that are often weak and/or disconnected to become part of the equation again. I wish I had discovered GYROTONIC when I was pursuing a career as a professional athlete. I would have been better and I would have suffered less.
So what is this thing?
“GYROS” is the Greek word for “turn, ring, a circle.” (Yes, that delicious Greek sandwich is named “Gyro” for the turning spit upon which the meat is cooked!)
“TONIKOS” is a Greek adjective meaning: “relating to or characterized by muscular tension” or “of stretching.”
So GYROTONIC, roughly speaking, is “spiral strengthening and stretching.” Or another way to put it: “Strengthening and lengthening through spirals.”
THE GYROTONIC METHOD is a functional movement system based on the natural spiraling movements of the human spine and the concurrent movements throughout the body. Rather than isolating muscles in linear and/or static ways (like a body builder might do), the GYROTONIC METHOD focuses on how your entire body works as one highly capable, sophisticated, and integrated system - complete with spirals, arches, curls, and waves. Every movement is a full body movement that inspires length, strength, and balance.
The GYROTONIC EXPANSION UNIT is a machine. It has two parts: a pulley tower and an arm handle bench. There are hundreds of settings and exercises on the machine, all designed to place you in a position that is both supportive and challenging.
GYROKENISES is THE GYROTONIC METHOD performed without any fancy equipment (although a chair or stool is often used).
What to expect when you work on the GYROTONIC EXPANSION UNIT:
Regardless of your athletic, fitness, or movement goals, GYROTONIC® will:
-Improve your Balance and Body Symmetry,
-Inspire greater Flexibility and Range of Motion,
-Help build a Stronger, More Connected Core
-Help you Generate More Power
-Streamline your Form
-Build more Efficient and Connected Bio-Mechanical Habits